Medicaid Assisted Living Lynbrook

Medicaid Assisted Living LynbrookYou are a senior citizen that requires help with bathing and dressing, but really don’t need all the care that a nursing home would provide.

Living alone in an apartment is difficult because you can no longer do the housekeeping, change your linens or do your laundry. To top it all off, you have a very limited budget and are unable to afford the help you need.

What can you do?

Come and visit Long Beach Assisted Living. This is not a nursing home, but an alternative for those who need a little assistance with bathing and dressing. Long Beach Assisted Living also participates in NYS Medicaid Assisted Living Lynbrook.

Detailed Information On Assisted Living Lynbrook

These are specific programs to help those in your situation. Come and see all Long Beach Assisted Living has to offer. A licensed nurse will administer all of your medications to you.

The assistance you receive will be by certified nursing assistants that will treat you with dignity, respect and compassion. You will dine on three delicious kosher meals daily that are chef inspired.

With Medicaid Assisted Living Lynbrook you will also have available to your wellness programs that will inspire you to learn about preventive measures to enrich your life. Speak with an admissions counselor and see if Medicaid Assisted Living is for you.

See if you qualify for Medicaid Funded Assisted Living in Lynbrook today.


Main Phone Line: 516.431.1400

Admissions Fax: 516.897.0415


The staff at Long Beach Assisted Living is committed to meeting our residents’ comfort and satisfaction. Please call us with your questions or comments, or email us at for more info on Long Beach Assisted Living Service Areas.

Long Beach Assisted Living Address
274 W. Broadway
Long Beach, NY 11561
