Medicaid Assisted Living Oceanside

Medicaid Assisted Living OceansideThere is a wonderful senior living facility called Long Beach Assisted Living that is an alternative to a nursing home.

This facility participates in Medicaid Assisted Living Oceanside. Not sure if you qualify?

The admissions representative would like to help you to see if you meet the criteria for this type of care. Know that Long Beach Assisted Living offers quality of care with professionally trained staff that tends to the geriatric patient with compassion, dignity and respect. You will be offered assistance with bathing and dressing if required.

All medications will be dispensed per physician’s orders. So if you are insulin dependent…no more self- injecting required. With arthritis, visual impairments and memory issues, the senior resident can find taking medications more difficult as they age. The licensed nurses relieve you of that task.

With Medicaid Assisted Living Oceanside know that your meals are provided ensuring nutrition as well as hydration with three chef inspired meals daily served in the beautifully appointed dining room. Socialization with your peers is easy with recreational activities planned daily.

Assisted Living Programs with Skilled Nursing Available In Oceanside

There are wellness programs available to you and physical and occupational therapies. Call today to schedule a tour and see if you qualify for Medicaid Assisted Living.


Main Phone Line: 516.431.1400

Admissions Fax: 516.897.0415


The staff at Long Beach Assisted Living is committed to meeting our residents’ comfort and satisfaction. Please call us with your questions or comments, or email us at for more info on Long Beach Assisted Living Service Areas.

Long Beach Assisted Living Address
274 W. Broadway
Long Beach, NY 11561
