Medicaid Funded Assisted Living Point Lookout

Medicaid Funded Assisted Living Point LookoutYou are concerned because your loved one took a fall and there was nobody to assist them in their time of need. Maybe you should consider an assisted living facility that can offer independence, but with a watchful eye.

This facility if Long Beach Assisted Living. Located right off the boardwalk in Long Beach you can find affordable assisted living with New York State Medicaid funding. That’s right.

There is Medicaid Funded Assisted Living Point Lookout. This is for income restricted senior citizens through the NYS Medicaid Program.

So if your loved one is living on their social security and has no other means of support, they can have the security and safe haven of assisted living. Long Beach Assisted Living participates in the Medicaid Funded Assisted Living. They offer Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, pain management and so much more.

Assisted Living with Skilled Nursing Available In Point Lookout

Their licensed nurses, technicians, and health aides provided services associated with those specialties. Call today and speak with the admissions office regarding the personal needs that your loved one requires. They will advise you on how to apply for the programs offering the Medicaid Funded Assisted Living. You will be happy you did.

Inquire today about the Cost of Assisted Living Point Lookout with Long Beach Assisted Living today.


Main Phone Line: 516.431.1400

Admissions Fax: 516.897.0415


The staff at Long Beach Assisted Living is committed to meeting our residents’ comfort and satisfaction. Please call us with your questions or comments, or email us at for more info on Long Beach Assisted Living Service Areas.

Long Beach Assisted Living Address
274 W. Broadway
Long Beach, NY 11561
